family driven, youth voice
Our Vision... New York’s children and families are healthy, emotionally supported, and empowered to thrive in their homes, schools, and communities.

our work
CCBH’s goal is to ensure families and children’s behavioral health providers have access to a comprehensive system of services, resources, and supports, and we accomplish our mission through advocacy, collaboration and leadership, membership capacity building, and training and technical assistance.
This section of the website has been designed to assist families and family support professionals by sharing materials, resources and information to strengthen family support services and professional parent partnerships in children’s behavioral health agencies. If have information to share, please contact info@ccbhny.org.
family driven, youth guided Materials
The National Federation of Families: Family-Driven Care Definition and Principles
San Francisco Children’s System of Care, Family-Driven Care Assessment Tool (3-’07)
Closing the Gap: Cultural Perspectives on Family-Driven Care
Making it Work: When Families that Represent a Service Population Become Employees